Claire Marie Faalk

Claire Marie Faalk dedicated her life in service to animals since 2014.

Rising from traumatic origins, Ms. Faalk was forced to navigate life with resilience while journeying a non-conventional path.

Claire’s hardship and the wisdom she gained ‘from the ashes’ has awoken in her a deep sense of empathy, advocacy and service. 

During the rise of the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020, Claire established the “Gentle Hearts Animal Sanctuary” in rural Iowa.

This privately-owned and operated compassionate endeavor rescued, rehabilitated and cared for over a hundred animals of varying domesticated species distressed and displaced due to these world events. 

In 2023, Ms. Faalk brought her vision and mission full-circle by establishing Sapere Aude Gifts & Sapere Aude Wellness in Colorado.

In unison, the success of the company and corporation will allow for a 35 Acre Full-Scale Operation and the relocation of the Gentle Hearts Animals to Colorado. 

At the Sapere Aude Sanctuary & Wellness Center, the Gentle Hearts Animals will provide healing companionship and profound insight into animal bonds and behaviors with their remarkable way of life and stories. 

Throughout her years of dedication to the Gentle Hearts Animals, Claire has also kindled and explored her artistic nature. Ms. Faalk is gifted in songwriting and composition as well as voice, piano and acoustic guitar.

Claire’s debut album of original music releases Fall of 2025 from Catamount Studios [featuring the Cedar Falls Symphony].

Claire also thrives in creative writing aspiring to publish several books, papers and volumes of poetry in the years ahead. 

Ms. Faalk is a social butterfly, a gentle heart and a force for compassion and awareness.

Claire continues her mission unwavering in her dedication, focus and drive.